So I have another doubt for you .I know very little about the greeks,the romans,the egyptians and the south american communities (incas) of the Mayan culture.But one thing I am sure.Those old great civilizations perished along with their GODS for sure,leaving every thing to history as epics or mythologies.I hope you are following me ,right ? Here begins my doubt.I am pretty sure these guys loved,prayed,conducted all known and unknown rituals and it would have yielded results too,thats why they survived for 5000 years atleast,provided they were a fierce fan of Gods and believed in their omnipotent powers.They might have been pagan gods as well like our agni,varuna,maithreya ,soma,indra,vayu and so many other gods of Rigveda period, later to to be supplanted by the Thrimurthies, Brahma,Vishnu,Siva.Now that these followers have perished or converted to sofisticated modern religions and now nobody prays or follows these old pagan gods,right ? So now my question is , do these ancient Gods still exist ?or is it they are only forgotten to be thrown to dust bins? Without followers is there any chance of survival for these gods. So. it follows that Gods too need their followers or fans to exist or to be in the lime light.
There can be an altenate hypothesis as well ! May be these forgotten heroes have merged,formed an alliance or got converted to these latest Gods as well.Yes that too is a possibility, or that they might be in suspended animation till the next batch of long awaited followers.So have the Gods have an undepended existence without the followers ?
Now coming to our own sanathana dharma,what hits me is that as for as Vishnu's avathars are concerned we know for sure from our seers that an avatar has a purpose depending on the time,place and problems at hand regarding the plight of followers and bhaktas,and IT happens , finishes off the job and then ascends to heaven referring to demise in all the question is if avatars have finished their task and left, why should the fan club be after them,why dont we give them some rest and turn back to the original task master,I mean Vishnu.If the task is unfinished offcourse all the bhaktas have every right to fight with avatar,give him all the support like vasishta,viswamithra etc etc..But after the task is finished then all the devotee can do is learn lessons from What he did,Why he did and when he did.No use worshipping him when he has already disappeared,only practice what he did and what he didnt do,and why he acted in a fashion contrary to our beliefs like Rama giving seetha an agni pariksha,why he mutilated a woman in lust,and killing vali from a hideout and lastly divorcing his pathrivratha wife to forest especially when she was pregnant against a dhobi's words. If it had happened in 2017 Rama would have been crucified by the so called feminists !!Such actions ordinary mortals like me cannot accept whatever be the excuses doled out.As for as Krishna is concerned,though I am a theevira fan of him,cannot accept many of his deeds.But for me his teachings are everlasting and can even go to the extent of believing that bhagavatham and mahabharatham was only a context to teach Geetha , the immortal book , more powerful than the God himself. I am off the track for quite a bit and to return to my doubt,after indra ,maithra,varuna,vayu,came the thrimurthies.what next ? Can we speculate Muruka,Ayyappa,devi,vinayaka after nother 5000 years to rule the roast. Or will the legacy of these gods go to posterity like the egyptians after all the hindus get converted to muslims enmass by ISIS,then what ??
So according to me, Gods have short shelf lives but their teachings will last forever and it will be better if we follow them, than bhajans,mamasankeerthans,rituals.But offcourse GODS do need their fan bases like the modern so called Gurus and their escapist satsangams.
Kayena vacha manasendriyairva,budyathmanava,karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai narayana ithi samarpayami.sri gurubyo namaha.
There can be an altenate hypothesis as well ! May be these forgotten heroes have merged,formed an alliance or got converted to these latest Gods as well.Yes that too is a possibility, or that they might be in suspended animation till the next batch of long awaited followers.So have the Gods have an undepended existence without the followers ?
Now coming to our own sanathana dharma,what hits me is that as for as Vishnu's avathars are concerned we know for sure from our seers that an avatar has a purpose depending on the time,place and problems at hand regarding the plight of followers and bhaktas,and IT happens , finishes off the job and then ascends to heaven referring to demise in all the question is if avatars have finished their task and left, why should the fan club be after them,why dont we give them some rest and turn back to the original task master,I mean Vishnu.If the task is unfinished offcourse all the bhaktas have every right to fight with avatar,give him all the support like vasishta,viswamithra etc etc..But after the task is finished then all the devotee can do is learn lessons from What he did,Why he did and when he did.No use worshipping him when he has already disappeared,only practice what he did and what he didnt do,and why he acted in a fashion contrary to our beliefs like Rama giving seetha an agni pariksha,why he mutilated a woman in lust,and killing vali from a hideout and lastly divorcing his pathrivratha wife to forest especially when she was pregnant against a dhobi's words. If it had happened in 2017 Rama would have been crucified by the so called feminists !!Such actions ordinary mortals like me cannot accept whatever be the excuses doled out.As for as Krishna is concerned,though I am a theevira fan of him,cannot accept many of his deeds.But for me his teachings are everlasting and can even go to the extent of believing that bhagavatham and mahabharatham was only a context to teach Geetha , the immortal book , more powerful than the God himself. I am off the track for quite a bit and to return to my doubt,after indra ,maithra,varuna,vayu,came the thrimurthies.what next ? Can we speculate Muruka,Ayyappa,devi,vinayaka after nother 5000 years to rule the roast. Or will the legacy of these gods go to posterity like the egyptians after all the hindus get converted to muslims enmass by ISIS,then what ??
So according to me, Gods have short shelf lives but their teachings will last forever and it will be better if we follow them, than bhajans,mamasankeerthans,rituals.But offcourse GODS do need their fan bases like the modern so called Gurus and their escapist satsangams.
Kayena vacha manasendriyairva,budyathmanava,karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai narayana ithi samarpayami.sri gurubyo namaha.
Hahaha... u r funny athims!... the concluding shloka and ur ending with a namaskaram to guru beats it all!! �
Unknown, at 3:50 AM
i was only wondering about the plight of the primitive gods versus modern gods.what could hav happened to them .as a strong theist its my duty to ensure their welfare as well.
Kannan, at 11:21 AM
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