In retrospect I have come to the conclusion that all my life
I have tried to swim down stream, I mean
I have never struggled to achieve my dreams or desires but had rather
compromised with all I got on my way, in a passive way and off course I don’t
regret any of my actions or reactions. This trying to stay afloat, in a down stream
and that too aided by tides and wind, requires least effort, I mean , to keep ‘balance’
and the nature will take care the rest. Off course some times the wind or currents
may shift me to the bare banks on either side, but just a little shove or a
push may send me back to the middle. The only problems are the rocks when you
are on the fast track or some times you
may have to negotiate a bump when you fall through a water fall, or on occasions
you may be caught unawares in a whirl pool dragging you down the dark depths. But
by the grace of god or Mother Nature
some unseen hands have come to my rescue and brought me again to surface to
carry on my journey towards the vast unknown ocean further ahead. I am unsure
whether this attitude had a positive or
negative turn to my life ,but it made my life a lot easier, but I could witness
mediocre people far far behind me ,flying past me at break neck speed achieving
their so called desires ,status ,identity ,power. They may be fast ,but though
slow I suppose I have greater endurance and patience and may be after a long
period of time[ if at all it happens], may be I will reach their end in my own lazy way.
Why I am writing
all this nonsense as a preface is , now I have reached a point, from where I will
have to swim against the current , I mean up stream ,which is alien to me. Bye the
way I have to confess that my life is a sum total of myriads of small small projects[
for example even going to my hospital everyday is a micro project], so now you
know me, how much hardship I am enjoying or enduring day by day for the last 50
years ,before that I was yet to learn the art of planning .so rather than say I
have lived, I can confidently say I am always in the process of planning my
life at every moment for the next moment. I think I have strayed a lot from the point I envisaged.
Now I am on the verge of my final project, one which I will love to undertake
from the utter depth of my heart. But unfortunately this task doesn’t suit my
innate nature of laziness. To be open , this is going to be a tough struggle
and needs pin point planning and may take years and sap my energy to the point
of no return. Am I capable of that, of that last crazy jump to unknown? Only TIME
can answer and even now I can see TIME IS LAUGHING.
I wonder !!!!
emgeegee, at 8:09 PM
I wonder too...
But knowing should have something to do with aatma, antaratma or paramatma...right!!
Shyam Hari, at 1:13 PM
Dear Mr. Kannan - In an earlier post you had alluded to old tamil book library maintained by your grand father. By any chance, do you have books by Vai. Mu. Kodhai Nayaki?
My father (Chennaivasi), who has had a life of hardship and physical labor has found a new found passion in reading - now that he is in his 80s. He wants to read some of the old mystery novels from 40s and 50s written by the author mentioned above.
I'd appreciate if you can provide some pointers on this.
Srini Venkat, at 6:14 PM
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