TIME,TIME,TIME----It has become an
obsession with me .Does Time exist or is it only a concept? Do we need it? No I
am not averse to it.
Let it exist, no harm done, but should
we become an addict or slave to it. Nowadays every thing depends on it. Is it a
bye product of modern
industrial age.They say it was the siren that
first started the industrial age ushering the humanity to 8 am- 5 p.m factory
work, later implementing in school for future
factory work.
Is it the earth going around the sun
which created Time or is it the Time which made earth go around sun? The Hindu
pundits say Time is
the gap between two events. What ever be it,
we have complicated our selves with all its gadgets, be it the Clock,the Watch,
what not.
Simply put we are in hell—time to wake
up, shit,time to office or school,to eat,to nap, to watch t.v,to pray, go to
face book,time to love
and last to sleep,its endless. Planning,
planning,planning---- the hell.Even for this blog I can’t avoid the words
related to Time like—
‘when’ ‘ some times’ ‘ future’ ‘ always’
‘ after’ ‘ while’ ‘as long as’
‘ old’‘ wait’ beginning’ ‘ end’,
etc etc ,how ever much I tried, forget about the ‘ tenses’.
Off course I can dream about a world
with no Time scale , no watches, clock, no calendar. Then , no working days or
week ends, no school
bells, no alarms, no festivals , no new year
or Gandhi jayanti, no onam or Christmas holidays,no birth day or anniversary
[face book will suffer].
No ekadasi, rahu kalom, yamakanda
kalam , no jathakom or panchankom, no birth certificate or death certificate to
run after, no bill dates to pay, no fixed deposits or loans , no electricity
bill, no shift system, no today or tomorrow not even to talk of future, no
question of planner, no projects or budgets,no railway time table,no irctc
booking, no appointments,no inaugurations or meetings no history classes,no palaentology subject to graduate..
It’s not that Time is the culprit. Its
we who vainly try to suck out 60 seconds of every minute,who try to manipulate
it as if it’s on borrowed time , that we
fall in to its trap, the trap of so called ‘ time management’ of modern gurus.
I feel the so called illiterate or the
wise villager who gives a damn to ‘time’ who has more available Time to
enjoy. So the less we are conscious of
Time, the more we can enjoy it or we feel we have more time at hand. So no more
looking in to that damned thing above your wrist again and again, I mean the
watch , and cursing your life.As far as a pensioner or a child is concerned,you
can just wake up at your own pleasure, eat , drink, make merry,do things you
like at your own pleasure, kill,or make others life miserable,with out that
democles sword of Time above your head.
May the TIME GOD bless you. Be its master than a slave.
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