Have you heard of the little boy trying to grab the moon? The mother always encourages him ,no ? But it’s a possibility that he may jump to his maximum ,since he sincerely believes it ,that he may fall and get hurt is the flip side .But we genuinely smile if he takes off ,no?
The point is I am in the poor boy’s place, and I also like to give it a go ,wonder what? The ambulimama in my case is a story, no, a series of chapters, call it anything. The question is whether I can jump at all and unlike the kid , I know where the ambulimama really is. For the past few days I am getting an outline in space , as vague as vagueness could be ,nothing more ,nothing less .But the characters are peeping in and out without any shapes and with no story to tell., a story with characters having no story ,but that’s not possible .But they are forcing me to make a story out of no where. Why are the kitchans and chuppu mammies pestering me ,what! , I have even started naming them and already I have guessed their languages ,what a joke. How can they have so much faith in me ,may be because no body in real life have faith in me or my capacity to give life to these unheard of fellow beings. How can I attempt a totally fictitious story when I cannot even think of a story by me about myself , which is a fact . But can it be called a story when it is real and so should be boring like an art movie ,unless laced with or adorned with polished lies or drama with histrionics ,a few dream song sequences and a climax fight .But for that you need innovation ,little bits of fantasy and lots of imagination which I can only dream off , being a virgoan.
Suppose it’s my own story , where to begin from the beginning?. My history , for all practical purposes should have started a long way back , to be precise, when the big bang banged and parts of me formed from the genes as the pundits call or as atman as per the seers. But I am no historian nor a geologist or a palaentologist . So the problem starts ,no , sucks and where to place the kitchans and chuppus in the time scale. Oh man ,this is not my cup of tea . That means I have to retire even before I start to work. But that’s the only way out and leave the kitchans and chuppus to attack a worthier soul , to ponder..