I am no mathematician,leave alone a computerist ! ,no, only a humble simple health official, ignorant about the binary or tertiary codes and who needs a calculator to count, where as my illiterate grandpa could give the multiples of halfs and quarters in microseconds. Now the point I am coming to is the study of population [ I have forgotten the term for it long ago ,thanks to my Alzheimer who has started to hunt me down] and there is one scientist quite famous in that field,some’ Maltheus’ if my degenerating memory holds good for the time being,.He has formulated a theory on the growth of population,which I don’t remember at all,only to the extent that for the population to grow,the people will have to put in a lot of hard work and idling is no solution.[Sir Maltheus !don’t squirm in your grave,I am quite ignorant of the details of population making I just don’t remember the details for sure ,since it was very long ago and Alzheimer is no joker I say.
Coming to the point yet again, I was going through a report on population pattern of Galaata kootam which is now a classified document with the govt of INDIA[ I got it by hacking the site]. I was astonished by the conclusion that at the present rate of multiplication, Galattakootam will be history by 2210. As the researcher has noted , in the last 3 years there were two deletions and one addition to the clan only.Further he notes that most of the 2’nd generation clans are one child families and within another 25 years the elderlies will make up 60%of the population and the population cannot sustain itself as per maltheusian theory? This is shocking and by extrapolation ,the chozhias will also meet the same fate not much later,.
So as a senile member of this clan I suggest that we will have to address the problem at the earliest.The researcher has come out with certain useful suggestions like minimum compulsory two child family norm ,earlier marriages,introducing hybrid,resistant imported seeds,suitable training sessions to the youngsters on the latest innovations in the art of population making and multiplication. A three member commission to China who has now taken up the two child norm again,may also be worth while. So once again I urge the youngsters especially the married computer wiz kids to desist from frequent deputations and lazing around and address the seriousness of the task at hand.
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