Kannan Writes

Friday, March 21, 2008


Even though he was due to retire at the ripe old ageof 55,he retired himself 10 months earlier citing personal reasons though he knew that he had quit b,cause he no longer enjoyed the work which he disliked in the first place itself.But when had he liked his work?.For him work meant money and he just loved accumulating it a la Allen Border or notherGavaskar.He never made money ,rather saved it.Expenses meant more work.so he desisted.In a nutshell by the time of his premature retirement.he had studied 20yrs, married once,reproduced twice.,inturn got them studied[not educated,for sure] for nother16 to 20yrs,got one married[no,the fellow himself committed one]and inturn had to earn not in rupee terms but in dollar terms and is settling down the hard way,the other one is nearly at the end of studies yet to commit hara-kiri.Now he needed around 10000 georgekutties and with the pension could sustain himself and his only wife.Off course he now is a proud owner of one car,a 1000 sq.ft house,one, no, 2 tvs,1 dvd,1computer,1 music system,1 nokia,1 ac,one wife and only mother[father just escaped from his clutches],one parttime servant maid ,1 mediclaim and 2 insurance policies, all duely declared for income tax purposes.A successful man indeed ,he beamed . This being the context he undertook a pilgrimage to Pune for his son’s darsan and during his sojourn there commented to the aquarian that the purpose of his avatara being completed prematurely he had nothing to look ‘ forward to ‘.The son got angry “you ought to have some motivation to LIVE” and kicked him back home.So much for the prologue. The poor man sat back and started meditating in search for the motivation to live or die .He thought right and left ,east and west,on his toes and head,referred literature,scriptures and went back to history,trigonometry, astronomy and even his dictionary.He spoke to the seas,queried the wind and moved the mountains leave alone the sun and the stars.He sent sms to Dr.Kalam,Karunakaran,Karunanidhi,Amma,sri sri Ravishankerjee,he didn’t even spare the all knowing Lallujee.He never got any answer other than the classical one ‘motivation to live means motivation not to die.’ Then suddenly it hit him and crying Eureka he went bersek.The answer was so simple and how could he have missed it all these 55yrs. The vethala soared up from the shoulders of The great Vikramathithya and laughing asked him ‘what did Kannan discover’ Over to you oh Amrithasya putrahaa, please reply to this blog with the answer to the query.,the first of the correct entries will be suitably rewarded.The answer should be limited to less than 7 lines for qualifying.


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