Recently one of my uncles had the audosity to ask me whether Iam a true tamil Brahmin ?The nature of enquiry though justified the circumstances I was in ,put me immediately on my backfoot since I have never bothered about it for the last fifty years of survival.Ihave pondered over more trivial issues like whether you believe in god ? whether you have been a good doctor? A successful man? A good husband? A good family man? Blah blah ..For all these trivia I had come to a satisfactory conclusion of the answer being a big NO except for question 1 where after much psycho analysis I have come to a vague answer , that being I don’t know whether I believed in god ,but I am a godfearing man.But the recent attack by my uncle resulted in insomnia and restlessness and agitations lasting for a week before I could analyse my mind under saner conditions and the observations are being declassified in these rantings.
The answer is a categoric yes in capital letters .yes I am 100%sure that I am born of two tamil Brahmin parents,I can show you the third page of my S S L C certificate in defence .I have also undergone the POONAL ceremony the second birth of a true Brahmin identity of the sacred thread and also when my father turned guru whispered the sacred GAYATRI mantra in my ears .It was this ceremony which raised some queries in my young mind as to the least importance given by the great rishis to the caste of my parents to becoming a true Brahmin, in literal meaning, one who knows or seeks Brahman the ultimate.I have also married a true no hybrid Brahmin woman who will help me in carrying out my dharma as a Brahmin in quest of the ultimate .I have inturn able to produce two great Brahmin boys who also have undergone the poonal ceremonies at around the cost of a lakh of Indian currencies,since again the scriptures suspected our parentage .I can prove all these through the photo albums which I have kept under safe custody in my locker .
I have been doing sandhyavandanas daily with 64 gayathries for around 8 yrs nonstop. And had to discountinue out of sheer monotony since I never knew the meanings of what I was doing . Ofcourse I can recognize the mantra even now when I hear it through Jesudas.I am an avid reader of the HINDU newspaper a true tamil Brahmin identity .I have studied some vedic mantras in my childhood which has been conveniently forgotten . further I perform the tharpans every month cursing the super charge of the family priest, for not incurring the curses of my great great forfathers , the yearly sraddhams for feeding the starved pithrukkals by repeated chanting of mantras and tantras and feeding three true brahmins looking at my emptying pockets and the casual leaves depleating. Also promptly I do the UPAKARMA ceremony to change my soiled sacred thread and doing prayachitha for all the evil deeds done physically as well as mentally and dumping the whole to the feets of Kesava for one whole year,so I can wash the slate clean for a new series.I am a very strict rictualised Brahmin AND I am born , live and die through RITUALS.that is the boon and curse of the so called Brahmin .Ofcourse I drink only coffee and am a strict vegetarian at HOME .Nobody can dispute that.Yes I smoke since no Vedas has any reference to that and inhaling smokes from homas has been advocated as good for your lungs and also for the society as well .As for as heavy drinking is concerned though it is banned for Brahmins is general incase of extreme circumstances like tension through spouses or children you are permitted to consume sura or amritha as termed in the manusmriti not in the public but privately you can have a go at it after removing the sacred thread and covering your face later you have to sacrifice the result of your KARMA at Kesavas feet, that is an absolute must , you have no right to enjoy the result of any karma or it will bind you to this sansara .For a Brahmin love and sex is a sin.He is permitted to have sex only at certain muhurthas which can be ascertained from panchanga and only for procreational functions ,I mean with his legitimate Brahmin wife .For other females these rules are not applicable.I have been following all these rules to the hilt.I have forgotten to mention section84 which permits a Brahmin to dirty his nose or home with snuff and also suparis and beetal leaves is a must preferably after a sumptuous feast.. If you are doing all the rituals then there is no need for God since you are his custodian .I am so elated by our culture that as for as marriage is concerned the gurus have gone to that extend of modernday scientific advancement that in brahminism you cannot marry from the same gothra itself but you can marry your first cousin in the sense that they belong to another gothra..Or else there will be kula nasa and the noble culture will be extinct ,what a loss for the world . Who will look after the GODS,PITHRUS,RISHIS &DEVAS .Every thing will be lost and hence the whole world will collapse.So now you know that I am a true tamil Brahmin.Besides I read kumudam and anantavikatan every week and visit the temple for sasthaprreethy and ramanavamy mainly to see my old friends and occasionally pray to god in times of need and crisis and wont leave the house without applying the sacred ashes to the forehead.The one tamil culture I hate is carnatic music,I dont know why..As per other customs I enjoy cricket and strictly follow untouchability. I can never allow the servant to cross the six foot barrier between us except at night ,but I will take a bath after the divine act to uplift her .It would be great injusice if I don’t mention the great concept of seethakom alias pelai prevailing in our culture.In case of births or deaths in the family all rituals like marriage ceremony or any auspicious functions includind death rites have to be postponed from around three days to ten days depending on the relationships. So when ever a marriage or poonal is to be celebrated, we keep a daily medical scan of elderlies all around praying to all types of gods either to keep them alive till the function is over or togive them visa at the earliest.Recently we didn’t know whether to cry or laugh when we heard that the ongoing death ceremonies{these functions take about 13 days} of a distant relative had to be cancelled because of another death of a distant relative!
So when concluding my submission I stake my claim for being a true tamil Brahmin and AM PROUD OF THAT .
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