Kannan Writes

Monday, August 08, 2005


Hey guys ,
Sorry for returning to the crease after being given out by the umpire .I cannot but help it , since it’s a life and death problem . One gentle man had filed a libel suite in the honourable high court for blogging allegedly against him, for a million dollars, for the mental agony caused.For godsake I never intented nor even dreamt that a silly old blog will result in such a calamity.Oh what a shame.Anyway both our lawyers negotiated in the chamber and after much dilly dallying they had finally arrived at a settlement.Even though I went through the legal draft I couldnt make any head or tails of it. So I called my counsellor and he briefed me the salient points.The gentleman has agreed to withdraw the case on the condition that I should re edit the blog in such a way that it would never cause mental agony to him or his family for another thousand years or the next tsunami which ever is later.I had no other alternative but to bow down , considering my financial commitment to my sons and family.I reedited the blog to the satisfaction of the defendant and am forced to republish the same.Hence the comeback.I promise the readers that I will be never back again to distress you. . Thank you for being so patient .


I can never ever forget that day ,sorry that night.My cell yelled and vibrated with such a force that the t.v stand over which it stood came down crashing together .I managed to pick it up and shouted “ who the hell”’.There was a war cry at the other end “ EUREKA” my son bellowed .I repeated EUREKA? My wife who was immersed in the megaserial Metti Oli came out of her trance and put her ear on my spare ear and uttered EUREKA—WHAT?
I recovered fast and asked him what the hell was going on.He could not control himself “ I have found her atlast “.I was dumb struck.I just couldn’t believe my ears .Shyam are you sure I asked? Yes dad I am pretty sure he rejoiced .She proposed to me just an hour back.I have confirmed it again and again,even she has given in writing in a stamp paper duely attested by the notory public.I knew not what to do .So I embraced my wife and whispered “ He is my son “.No he is mine she retorted playfully.”Shyam my dear son you are the pride of the family.Now just take rest and happy dreams”.I offed the cell and went into a dance.The whole world appeared so beautiful that I cried out in bliss “you just cannot help it “. The flash news appeared “ An INDIAN LAD has achieved the IMPOSSIBLE.Soon details of the news caught on.The P.M congratulates the engineer for bringing glory to India.The President calls upon the youth to follow the example and make it a super power by 2020 .Soon the crowds take to the streets and bylanes of the major metros of Delhi ,Kolkotta,Mumbai and Chennai in utter celebrations..Crackers lit the skies and Musalmans exchange sweets with their Hindu brothers.The govt announces a public holiday and ten days bonus to all central and state govt workers .
I go to my basement cellar and bring out a champagne bottle and celebrate through out the night. Inspite of a hang over we soon flew to Pune in a jumbo and were whisked through customs to a chauffered limosine to his apartment in Talwad.. The black cats shoved aside the maddening crowd thronging outside his apartment and we were shown in.Shyam was in an ecstatic mood and dared us to see his fiancée. Yes there she was tall ,elegant, long shouldered,with a Rajputan look and she said Namaste .What more could you ask for.I looked at Shyam with admiration .By this time my wife had moved over to her daughter in law to be and was soon engaged in animated discussions.The medium of trasactions I suspect was in PALI Or was it ENGINDI?. I took shyam aside and asked him how did you manage to accomplish this.He whispered in to my ear.”She happened to read one of my blogs titled RAILINGS OF A DERANGED MIND and she fell for it. And later when she read my” DEAD POETS CORNER” HER FATE WAS SEALED. I broke in to a laughter . Its like your mom marrying me to hear my Mukesh songs. Later I asked him for a photo of his to be ,so that I can show around to my kith and kin.He gave me one and in it were they holding the Indian tricolor atop the Everest!


  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger sirshyam, at 4:56 AM  

  • The event still doesnt stand be-littled.

    By Blogger sirshyam, at 5:09 AM  

  • Once upon a time there was a boy named Mowgli and his care-taker named Jageera (or was it Bageera!?). Both of them talked languages the other could not or (chose to!) did not understand. And one fine morning, they realised that both of them knew sign language - the mother of all languages. They could communicate so easily and freely that they realised what they were missing all those years. And Mowgli realised that there are others who understand his language, and conveyed this to Jageera. Jageera felt that there are others who understand his sign language. Mowgli and Jageera reconciled that they can communicate in a mix and match of their separate languages and the sign language and that all the world will continue to be a happy place to live in!

    By Blogger Sankara, at 2:01 AM  

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