Once upon a time not very long ago this sacred land of ours was ruled by the great LEADER.Every body knew him for so long that they had already forgotten his truename He was their own the only COMPASSIONATE one..Under his leadership the land was reeling with floods of milk and arrack and people of all castes and communities lived in bliss and hangovers.There were lots of speculations as to his age. Some boasted he was atleast 900years old ,but the so called rationalists claimed,not more than ninty.But every body agreed that he has started existing in the very same form since they remembered.Also the historians have recorded that he had 1001 wives but no legal issues to date inspite of repeated thulabarams at his favourite guruvayur.The leader has nowadays become quite bored so says the I.G of vigilance b cause there was not even a single dissenter in the party,no more dharnas,no collectorate picketing.not a single bandh in the last one year,.All in all the sales of newspapers plummeted.The states treasury officer issued a public statement that since the states coffers were overflowing with money most of it has been diverted to swiss banks for safe upkeep.The rice and wheat rotted in state ware houses since the common mans energy requirements were met by the liquor lobby and more children attended schools for the midday meal programme and the state was the most literate of all the states.All IN ALL IT WAS THE GOLDEN ERA OF MAVELI THE GREAT.
To relieve his boredom and also of his party cadres and the great public he announced the NATIONAL DISINTEGRATION RATHA YATRA to start from kasargode to karamana from August15’th.The cable channels thunderered the flash news.Loudspeakers blared everywhere.The whole atmosphere and then stratosphere reverberated.The nine worlds trembled.Indras throne recorded a perfect 9 in richter scale.The wise sages came out of yoga nidra.In sathya loka the great strings of Saraswathi snapped jolting awake brahma from his afternoon nap,resulting in yet another malformed baby.Neither was kailasa spared,the bhootha ganas ran to Nandis for safety.A cunning smile lit Ananda padmanabhas face and HE mused-parithranaya sadhoonam vinasaya etc. etc-sambhavami yuge yuge:
As usual, the next part , even a kid can recite.Indra the most weakest of godlings,the most immoral,the most indulgent,the greediest and most selfish one as depicted in hindu mythology-the explanation for the same being- he represents the human mind,rushes over to vaikunta and pleads to Vishnu to save his throne from the jaithra yatra of the leader and ofcourse the lord soon releases the sudarsanchakra which soon obstructs the sun and earth is plunged into total darkness.So when India was seeking its tryst with destiny,on the same night the leader was lost in the darkness a few yojanas from kasargode and was later retrieved by some tribal leaders from the forests of wayanad 2 to 3 years later,The leader was given one of the greatest welcome the land has everseen and the maddening crowd shouted –laksham leksham pinnale.Though the leader was back in his throne oncemore he was never the same any longer.He felt tired,old,miserable and his confidence was shattered.The leader roared Indra you will pay for this.
He went to guruvayur and was in utter bajanam for 41 days with out food or drinks.Guruvayurappan had no choice.HE appeared before his true bhaktha and begged him what he wants,Hehad even brought a glass of charayam to end his fast.The leader was down on his knees and uttered –oh great lord give me a legal son who will oneday be the leader of all leaders.The lord said yes in capital letters and gave him a golden mango.But he added give it to one of your H.I.V.-ve wives and ask her to consume this fruit as a whole. The leader uttered jai hind and in one gulp he finished the drink the lord had offered to end his fast and he saluted LAL SALAM. AND RETURNED TO HIS HAREM IN THIRUVANANTHAPURAM .
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