It was one of those pleasant lazy monsoony late evening and the muncipal lights have started emitting their share of paltry light fighting a losing battle against the approaching darkness And we were huddled in front of the idiot box savouring the usual quota of ASIANET NEWS when the flash news flashed –Shyam has fallen in love..We were shell shocked.I came out of hibernation first and rushed to tune in BBC News.And there he was, yes it was Shyam alright, covering his face with a hand kerchief surrounded by all the major channel reporters.I shifted my glance towards my wife who had already ran to the bedroom slamming the door to my face.
I took three deep breathes to come to the PRESENT and analyse the crisis in its totality.BUT the mind was in absolute panic.M y hands shivered as I pulled a cigarette from the pack and it took me eternity to get it lighted up.All my dreams were lying shattered in all corners of the hall.For the first time in my life GOD seemed to exist no more.I dialled Shyam in my cell.I yelled Shyaaaam.A stuttering whisper from the other end boomed—Appa it was not my fault,it was SHE who proposed .Who I enquired.From north came the reply.North of where? U.P . to be exact the recently created state of Uttarakand.Jharkandwaly?Garhwaly?.I persisted-a Brahmin?His voice slurred-a Hindu-a forward caste hindu and an A P L. The phone went dead.
I was walking to and fro my mind totally in flames.Nobody in my family for the last three generations have dared to commit such a sin and what a shame.Of course I heard from my mother that few of my elders have had shady affairs,but that was all for physical needs.But Love, no way .No true Brahmin will ever love.That is unthinkable.The phone cried.My father it was---of all the people ,why is that you are being crucified ,my son?It is all vidhy you know.The phone conveyed condolence message from all near and far.I had a tough night sleep.The sun rose as usual and brought with him a stream of visitors some of Iwhom knew and others who knew me,all dressed in black with a sunken face,to mourn.I sat there unshaven and not uttered a word to them.One of the visitors had the temerity to inform me that state has declared one week's mourning and flags were flying halfmast in all govt buildings.Bismillakhans shehnoy blared from A.I.Rstations.The parliament adjourned for the day after a brief note from P.M. .
I flew by a chartered flight to PUNE.Shyam was at his best and carried me to his apartment and silence was the communication althrough the car ride.Sham said don’t be hasty,she will be here in a minute. The heroine soon came in a pallack carried by eight slaves. She alighted from the palanquin.gave a nodding smile in my direction and was soon seated.She nodded in my direction and dutifully I came forward.Shyams father, she thundered.Saaavdaaan, she rattled .I stood in attention.Baaaye moot, then daye moot she cooed.,chal –left right left right.She then left.I was feeling a little tired after this manoveure.
Do I deserve this,I asked Shyam.Appa you don’t know what love is.I angered back-I hav been with ur mother for last 26 yrs and you have the guts to ask me this stupid question. He said ofcourse you have been living and not loving that woman of yours.I was taken aback.But I cannot live without her even for a day,I countered..No appa—it is not love but dependence,he cleared.I felt undressed/. I bowed to him and said---- Teach me son, what love is.I want to lead the rest of my life loving her.Sorry my father that is not possible.Why not?I begged.YOU ARE ALREADY MARRIED AND NONE CAN LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE.SO LEAVE ME ALONE TO ENJOY THE BLISS OF LOVE TILL OUR MARRIAGE.
I took three deep breathes to come to the PRESENT and analyse the crisis in its totality.BUT the mind was in absolute panic.M y hands shivered as I pulled a cigarette from the pack and it took me eternity to get it lighted up.All my dreams were lying shattered in all corners of the hall.For the first time in my life GOD seemed to exist no more.I dialled Shyam in my cell.I yelled Shyaaaam.A stuttering whisper from the other end boomed—Appa it was not my fault,it was SHE who proposed .Who I enquired.From north came the reply.North of where? U.P . to be exact the recently created state of Uttarakand.Jharkandwaly?Garhwaly?.I persisted-a Brahmin?His voice slurred-a Hindu-a forward caste hindu and an A P L. The phone went dead.
I was walking to and fro my mind totally in flames.Nobody in my family for the last three generations have dared to commit such a sin and what a shame.Of course I heard from my mother that few of my elders have had shady affairs,but that was all for physical needs.But Love, no way .No true Brahmin will ever love.That is unthinkable.The phone cried.My father it was---of all the people ,why is that you are being crucified ,my son?It is all vidhy you know.The phone conveyed condolence message from all near and far.I had a tough night sleep.The sun rose as usual and brought with him a stream of visitors some of Iwhom knew and others who knew me,all dressed in black with a sunken face,to mourn.I sat there unshaven and not uttered a word to them.One of the visitors had the temerity to inform me that state has declared one week's mourning and flags were flying halfmast in all govt buildings.Bismillakhans shehnoy blared from A.I.Rstations.The parliament adjourned for the day after a brief note from P.M. .
I flew by a chartered flight to PUNE.Shyam was at his best and carried me to his apartment and silence was the communication althrough the car ride.Sham said don’t be hasty,she will be here in a minute. The heroine soon came in a pallack carried by eight slaves. She alighted from the palanquin.gave a nodding smile in my direction and was soon seated.She nodded in my direction and dutifully I came forward.Shyams father, she thundered.Saaavdaaan, she rattled .I stood in attention.Baaaye moot, then daye moot she cooed.,chal –left right left right.She then left.I was feeling a little tired after this manoveure.
Do I deserve this,I asked Shyam.Appa you don’t know what love is.I angered back-I hav been with ur mother for last 26 yrs and you have the guts to ask me this stupid question. He said ofcourse you have been living and not loving that woman of yours.I was taken aback.But I cannot live without her even for a day,I countered..No appa—it is not love but dependence,he cleared.I felt undressed/. I bowed to him and said---- Teach me son, what love is.I want to lead the rest of my life loving her.Sorry my father that is not possible.Why not?I begged.YOU ARE ALREADY MARRIED AND NONE CAN LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE.SO LEAVE ME ALONE TO ENJOY THE BLISS OF LOVE TILL OUR MARRIAGE.
There is a saying which can be applied to ur article.
"When the going gets tough , the tough write tough things "
There is another saying which goes , which can be applied to me.
" The skin grows thicker when u are in love or war"
sirshyam, at 7:34 AM
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