When consciousness dawned on him he found himself deep under water.Water everywhere,below ,above,inside,outside.But strangely he felt safe and secure.He was not drowning since he never felt any suffocation.Soon the naked truth broke loose on him.He could not feel at all.Yes he was now sure “HE COULD NOT FEEL AT ALL”.Neither could he see,nor hear nor speak,nor taste.,nor could he move.There was no darkess or brightness,no sun nor moon,then the myth of time cannot be accepted .If.time did not exist then he was IMMORTAL.No more the pangs of youth or old.Neither was he a HE or SHE or a IT .The water around soon embraced HIM? and lullabied him .The water meant everything to him and it was his WORLD .Suddenly the realisaton lighted out .He couldn’t think even , since MIND was yet to be born. Then all the previous realizations and thoughts sprung up not from within but from the mother WATER .He was free from thoughts,hence no desires,no frustrations,no past or future.He was absolutely free , free even from himself, since nolonger had he a MIND and hence no EGO which will ultimately bind him to himself , always making him a permanent slave of himself .So being totally free he became pure consciousness itself.Nothing existed nor will exist unless willed, .that was the secret of existence .He lay blissfully unaware of the dangers of existence for the time being even though it didn’t exist for him.It was utter consciousness at its peak.
Suddenly the soothening waters around him became restless and waves broke out on the surface .He began to move and the force of mother water steadily built up in to a tempo forcing him to move sideways .The tsunami stuck in such a force that he first felt PAIN AND PRESSURE building all around him and the early sense of strangulation seized him forming the primordial mind and the ego began to bubble forth within him and the survival instinct sparked like a lightening. The unrelenting wave with a force of 8 richter scale whipped him and he flew like an insect thrashing his head in to the rocks .Suddenly he was sucked in to a tunnel too small for his head.With a pulsating pulverizing head ache the avalance took him forward squeezing his shoulders and his hips his body dragged out with a violent force. The death pangs he felt for the first time since eternity lasted ages before two long fingers scooped around his neck and pulled him violently out of the tunnel.Gasping for breath he suddenly entered nother world which he greeted with an eerie cry that reverberated through all the forteen worlds.
“ It’s a lovely boy” uttered the ayah joyfully.At thestroke of seven in the evening when SANI was in peak on the 23rd day of August in the Gregorian calender year of 1953 was born a timid virgo male consciousness ,brought in to existence to save the humanity from the throes of KALI YUGA.As per the family custom they named him Harihara subramanyan alias Kannan .
Enjoyed reading your totally free situation in water,no mind,no thoughts,no egoesand becoming pure consciousness only.
Unknown, at 3:02 AM
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