Kannan has at last managed to cross the borders and land in the white man’s abode,the land of the East India Co,where the sun never sets or rises. Landed 2 days back ,precisely on march 17th 2012 when the sani crosses vyazhan.The pilot announced ‘ dark sky,temp around 7 degrees’ after 11 hrs of monotonous flight. The emissaries send earlier received us warmly at Heathrow,and the immigration formalities over in a was the blistering cold and the dull darkening skies that welcomed us to London.
My earlier expectations of a colourful London turned black and white. I had always thought ‘ COLD’ to be absence of heat and now only I know it to be a three dimentional entity, full of life,anger,sadistic and really hostile to guests from far off lands.It has this dangerous habit of penetrating through my thick dermis to the level of my athman and the mind is gripped by a vague sort of Fear swirling all around making me dive indoors.No layers of woolen or cotton is a barrier.
Another discerning aspect is the absence of noise,the ‘shor’ is missing over here.Every thing is silent and lifeless like a bandh day over there.Not even a dog barks,leave alone the blaring of horns, the sweet roar of the autos or two wheelers.Not a pedestrian in sight,even the infants don’t cry. I really miss the teaming, emotionful masses of our sweet land. People are polite to the level of contempt and whiteness is sickening.Not even the sun is emotional here.It just doles out a mediocre light with out any heat and hide behinds clouds most of the the time. Now I know why the Europeans invaded us,not for our spices or silk but they were purely after our SUN in its pristine GLORY.
The traffic is more sinister,no blaring of horns,no overtakings,no shoutings,just a lifeless smooth motion, making me run amok. I don’t know whether these people fart at all.
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