The one thing I am absolutely certain is that ‘ I exist’,no ambiguity about that.So the next best thing to follow is that,since I exist , I am able to perceive that you all exist as a bye product , as for as I am concerned.You,he,it,we, all came after ‘ I’. o.k. So the world and every living and non living thing exist,because I am able to perceive it. Hence with out me nothing can exist , as for as I am concerned.So it naturally follows that I created the so called world and every thing is in relation to me. There for I accept the fact that since I can perceive you all existing besides me , I know that we have each created our own individual worlds totally different but existing at the same time,criss crossing each others in different places,in different time zones. When I cease to exist , there is no ‘ my’ world. Since I am the absolute in my world where no body can tread in with out my permission and here my next extension comes that I should possess every thing that I perceive in my world or atleast control or take charge of every thing that I see,so the ‘my’ comes in to existence. Then when the different worlds of you and mine collide,the conflict starts and we draw our borders and begin a relationship for mutual co existence since survival of ‘ I’ is the cardinal principle for both of us. Then when a third ‘ I ‘comes in , both you and I join together and become a ‘we’.Then part of our both indepent worlds fuse at some common points for the time being. Like that , the present world as we perceive is a rough mixture of our independent worlds in different proportions at each point and in different time zones.
Another question that arise is when did the ‘ I’ in me come first or when did it manifest,or when did I exactly felt the ‘I ness’ within me. Is it from my birth or is it after some body identified me or called me by name or number , that I felt different from that person,which gave me a separateness which I later identified as ‘me’. This I feel needs to be clarified,since I see infants identifying themselves with their names first and much later only coming out with the terms ‘I’ or ‘me’. Does that mean that the projection of ‘I’ comes from negation of being some body else,than a positive assertion of ‘I’.So the first sentence in this blog becomes a little confusing,i.e,I exist because you exist,because it was you first, who made me realise the ‘I’ in me ,so you should have been the first one to exist.
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