Kannan Writes

Friday, August 15, 2014


That’s a WALL  for sure. He is almost convinced. As for the properties concerned he has been
 investigating  for quite some time. As for the height ,it’s stretching out to moon ,if not beyond. As for the circumference ,it stretches all around him in a rather loose fashion ,contracting and expanding in
 its own whims and fancies. In short  ,he felt comfortable and protected as a foetus, but that was long ago. Now that it has started creeping inwards, he felt a little uneasy at first like being in a smoker’s room
at the airport. Many efforts to touch it proved futile. Visually it seemed to be made of a soft flexible
material, too soft to be broken ,too cold to be burnt. It was so transparent that visibility was reduced to a gloomy bright haze on the far side. So far so good ,like being under water with open eyes .No choking
only a smoker’s slow but sure progressive wheeze ,not at all discomforting in the short term. He could still move around with total freedom of the king in a chess board, only one move at a time all around.  Nothing to fear about, every body ,the queen ,the minister ,the rook and pawn to defend him, but against whom? The problem was-- there was no visible enemy .Every Dick and Harry can come in and go out smoothly through his self imposed? cocoon. And the funniest thing was nobody had an inkling of the barrier. Everybody was happy for him.  Why was he feeling of being chained in a very loose way without any chain  or any peg. No, nobody could say he was immobile, but only that when he tried to exceed a limit? the nonexisting  chain pulled him to position, preventing him from going astray.
Was it all all an illusion or an obsession? But the only thing he wanted was to have a peek beyond the wall.Escape to the unknown wasn’t his target ,but a view of it could or may liberate him from his chain or peg, but the wall  was a real challenge ,since it’s existence  could neither be established  or disproved.
When he could suffer no more, he asked his dearest friend, srivalsan’s dog  what all this meant ,it barked smilingly as if to say ‘ for me it is Srivalsan and for you fool! IT  IS    GOD AND  NOTHING  BUT GOD’

kayena vacha ,manasendriyairvah,buddhyatmana va,prakritehe swabhavat,karomi yadyad,sakalam parasmai
nayanaethi samarppayami.