As you enter the spirit smelling neatly polished consulting room after a severe agonising wait, can you spot the middle aged man in a trance,that glistening baldness and the stray white hairs donning the white serene face with the golden plated spectacles revealing a pair of penetrating eyes and a steth hanging as if a siva’s snake around his short fatty neck,the white coat obscuring his bludgeoning tummy,the heavy smiling, dissolving your anxieties? .yes,you are spot on,he is your ‘Doctor Glorious’- combat ready to attack his perpetual enemy- death and disease ,, the decay and degeneration,the inflammations and infections ,your agonies,the misery,the anxieties and apprehensions. The stage is set and the show is have already paid the consultation fee,no?
As you pour out your symptoms as if the flood gates have opened , see his intense gaze on you ,eye to eye , lapping up your history,the blood supply to his ballooning brain has tripled ensuring the onset of a mild headache,his mind preoccupied by his wife’s admonitions that morning about the unkept promise of a diamond ring ,the appointment with the tax officials scheduled the next day , the falling markets and the bitter performance of the Indian heroes the last night in the world cup,yet he is hearing all your woes..You can watch his fidgeting fingers scribbling endless figures in his letter pad,the furrows in the forehead deepening,the hairs in the ears pricking up and now the smile is slowly replaced by the initial movements of an yawn,instantly cut off in a moment of controlled will.The history taking is over in a jiffy.Most often he would have narrowed your disease to a system, like -cardiovascular or alimentary or a neurological etc etc,may be even targeted the organ concerned or with luck an anxiety disorder.Offcourse he would interrupt your endless tale with discrete questioning of your occupation, I mean the financial state you are in, which is an essential part of how much visits you can afford, how much investigations you can tolerate so on.
The examination,the most or least important thing depending on the doctor concerned will be the middle overs of consolidation,now that he has enough time to think about,the extravagant cover drive of tendulkar yesterday,the need to service his stalling car this morning or the new sister in the o.p .He may even laugh or go in to ectcasy while his steth is traveling all over your chest,swirling around the heart valves or the lung fields with pin point accuracy,the diagnosis hanging around, close at hand , but still evading his frontal cortex,the neurons trying to pick themselves up from the overnight 4 pegs. So he will have to have investigations to finish off.
As the nurse hands over the investigation chart, you look dumbly at his racing fingers, furiously ticking one after another until the nurse’s stiff gaze puts the breaks on and the smile is back,the furrows have flattened and the facial contour shifts to that off a sage or counselor as he shifts back comfortably, easing his strained back and the con man takes over to complete the last ten overs.
The stench of coolness emitting from his body has already started it’s healing powers on you.
Don’t worry my don’t have much off a problem.You have been overworking these days,no?Don’t stress your heart too much ,I say.Everything is going to be o.k. with a capital K . Now do all these tests and let me I am not going to prescribe too much drugs,you see.Infact I detest over prescribing,which is common these days, just1 antibiotic and 1 anti inflammatory.1 antihistaminic and 1 antacid and a neurovitamin for starters.Once the results of investigations come ,say in 3 or 4 days,you can come back and the main menu will be served. So don’t worry,have a light diet and go to sleep early,don’t forget about the exercises. Sister !next patient,please.