Have you any idea, the 'pain' of being 'SHORT'? No, the probability is too low or rather non existent,since no body gives a damn.But for me[5.4 ft] it matters a lot ,a real ‘ LOT’.Give me nother 4 inches and I would any day promise you a lakh for each ..Right from the word go, I mean from the delivery cot,this has been haunting me like a shadow,it reeks of smallness,incapability,a shame indeed,heralding the onset of inferiority complex or plainly speaking the dwarf complex if you allow me to term it.
I don’t know whether all the shorties have felt the same. I would love to ask Adolf Hitler or Lal bahadur Shasthri what that they thought, or was it this handicap which propelled them to their heights. Yes I certainly would classify them and me off course in the category of being ‘handicapped’,though it would never interfere in their normal functioning,other than the little pain of extending their neck up to view their fellow beings in their face. Or the inability to slap a man on the face with out jumping first. Or the need to lean on your toes to kiss your loved one,all these little things matter you know. The worst possible scenario is the feeling of being ignored by your own classmates of the other gender and worst of all is the pity bestowed on you for being small which makes you disappear down to pathala.It is these sensitizing doses you get all along from the cradle that you start to look down up on the privileged lot and the fierce craze to dominate them by hook or crook,takes shape and the only way you can beat them or torture them is through fierce determination and training yourselves in mental alternatives to superiority slowly and stealthily until you are one step ahead in the ladder for position and by manipulations and calculated risks you try to reach the top from where you can sit and make them stand before you or make them crawl thus neutralizing their physical superiority,once for all ,the superiority complex replacing the inferiority complex.So always beware of your shorty boss since you will never know what has hit you all of a sudden and you will be the last person to suspect them.
As for as I am concerned I had to learn a lot from my father who was 5.1 and my grand father who was 4.11 ,on how to live with the handicap and be a success.Though I could detect ample evidence of cruelty to their subjects they came up winners in the social ladder at any cost.Since I was taller compared to them at 5.4, I could never match them in their effort or art of domination. or for that matter in the so called term ‘success’.Though I was mediocre in all these senses,I tried my best with disastrous consequences.So I decided for the sake of humanity not to allow this handicap to persist down the lane and end cruelty and married a tall lady whose family kin had an average height above 5.7 ..and am lucky to hyper extend my neck to look at my kids in their eyes bereft of any shame.