Kannan Writes

Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Hi guys ,
Long time,no see.Its now pretty long time that I have come to stage.And once you are out of match practice for so long its very difficult for a come back especially in this age group when all you try to do is to postpone citing one silly excuse after another and you feel awful seeing the empty screen staring back and if it happens to be an L C D type and a new key board something like wielding a new oiled bat [ofcourse you should allow the old man to brag about his new computer with all the state of art packages,in short it will do any thing short of making love] .So I thought let me spend some time in the nets before facing the hostile Indian crowd I mean you people .Age is catching up fast and the muscles are tiring fast and the recovery time is getting prolonged.No you cannot accuse me to be another Kumble ,.rather it is a complement, to be the new test captain and another typial Indian adhochism , a win-win situation for BCCI.If he fails India is not going to burn,you can comfort yourself for rewarding the old Indian warrior before he says bye bye,and if he clicks you can pat your back for the terrific decision..As for as the old war horse is concernerned the vyazhan is in ucha sthana and he has the neecha banga rajayogam,the two negatives conferring a positive time ,the negatives being Sachin and Dhoni or Sourav for that matter..Thank god the current has failed and I have another excuse.for shelving this nightmare to time immemorial .But fortunately or unfortunately the coach has switched on the flood lights and my eyes suffer a bout of acute photophobia before once again concentrating on the next ball.I keep missing and missing.The flow is not back and am stuttering and stammering and the few fans who has come to watch me are literally embarassed and pray for the session to end ..

Bye the bye I am officially retiring on Nov 30th after a spell of leave lasting for 10 months, I mean , I may return back to work in a private or govt work [contract], to be brief ,trying a “ reluctant” come back,I am not sure whether it will work out ,but sitting out in the pavilion is miserable as I have found out the hard way,but batting out there will be more harder.I am in a catch 22 situation..Retirement is hell that’s for sure but to resist it is more hell. Let TIME be the judge.Your mind refuses to accept the ageing factor and still craves for the POWER and corrupts you,inspite of recognizing it you cannot just escape .

The net session is called off for the day and the decision is yours.


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