Yes the damage had been done and there is no way that it can be recalled or annulled.Old people used to say that once the word has been delivered there is no way it can be swallowed back.Similarly a written word once captured in the internet becomes a wave that nobody can dare to stop however much he tries to delete it. Why I am forced to say the above is that I had the fortune or misfortune to read a blog by a crazy old fart bent up on distorting the very basic or core concept about the father TIME,and how convincingly he had tried to blaspheme the PRESENT .But I cannot be fooled by such gimmics of words or thoughts that amply demonstrates a senile decaying mind unable to come out of its cage and face the reality that Time is but to change and the world cannot tolerate those lagging behind chewing the cud of the PAST ,trying to get pleasure licking their old wounds and hurts not allowing them to heal since if the old hurts are healed they stop ‘living ‘ ,no that is not the apt word ,rather a better one will be ‘existing’..
O.K.the sum total of his so called concept is that PAST is the reality .For argument sake let us imagine a train speeding through, controlled by a driver .As for as the driver is concerned his sole duty is to control the train at the moment, at the same time looking forwards to note the state of the track ahead or the signals in front, guiding him forwards .He has no business to look behind ,since it will divert his attention and may even bring a disaster . Also consider the fact that he has a very heavy luggage behind him which is also getting heavy the more forwards he goes, casting a heavier burden on him, not to look behind ,since it may increase his apprehension and he has all the more to concentrate on the job at hand and at the same time to be aware of what is in store for him in the front .
If you are riding a two wheeler with a guy 80 kg behind ,you know that you will stuggle initially to get the balance ,but once on the run after acceleration you wouldn,t note or feel his weight and you can ride comfortably looking ahead for the traffic in front .Similarly though the past weighs you down, rather drags you from behind, if you persist with the job in hand I mean the PRESENT ,the luggage will feel lighter as you speedup . But the moment you look back at the Frank Einstein behind you or slow up or put on the breaks you are asking for trouble . The pillion rider will distract you most of the times but you are not supposed to look back ,at the best you can try to answer him in mono syllables or just ask him to shut up though most of the time in vain ,mostly because it is his job to distract you and land you in trouble, and it is also your duty to reach the destination safely inspite of him but also to carry him too since you cannot escape him since he is your past .
In a nutshell you have to be alert at the present second ,always looking forwards since you have a heavy dirty your own luggage which nobody else will share with you . For a comfortable smooth ride speed along merrily with tight control and concentration.. and look ahead for those mud holes,speed breakers and bumps ahead of you especially those warning signals.
From another angle if you are a sky diver enjoy the very act and the bliss of flying either descending or ascending not bothering about from where you have fallen or where you are going to crash land ,, just savour the moment at hand and that is what the old have prescribed for you BLISS IN THE PRESENT AND TO HELL WITH THE PAST.
Your honour,here I rest my case.The judgement is yours. But Sir I plead not to look back at previous judgements and be weighed down by the PAST .
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