The mother character is always depicted and is universally accepted as love incarnate,love personified and a special creature born to bring forth,nurture and suffer for her offspring.And I in particular have no different view of the same .But it is rather a tough task to write about ones own mother without incurring the boredom to the readers since each and everybody has the same idea about motherhood .You can only experience it and bringing it to words may sound insulting to the institution of ultimate bondage.Any way I am giving it a try what ever be the outcome .
She is around 5ft5in, imposing, slightly fair skinned more towards the blacker hue,with what you may call the photogenic face,towards the plumper side, in short, the middle aged lady living the next door .Ofcourse she is the most beautifullest lady to have graced the earth .In,fact I have been closely associated with her for more than 25 years and what more do you want for being an impartial judge or witness .But she is really a tough nut to crack in the sense that though she is an epitome of love of which I am sure, she is a tough task master and discipline is her forte, at the same time sensitive,too much sensitive that every word I uttered or my body language would cast severe ripples in that small head of hers .She dressed neatly and her lazy gait was a treat to watch ..Pride and stubborness continues to be her strongest and weakest assets .She always looked after us like an aggressive lionessShe continues to be the greatest cook and rasam is my favourite.She doesn’t dole out love like any ordinary mother but the scoldings she sprays out give me a security I don’t get else where and I am in peace with the world in just her presence .When she ruffles my untidy hair with oil with her rough hands and angers at my thin and lean frame by giving a violent slap on my back I feel at home and nothing else matters more .What I dislike most in her is her obsession to neatness which is anathema to me . I always had a secret suspicion that though she loves me a lot she loves her other children a bit more which I cannot tolerate .
What interested me and baffled me at the same time was her relationship with my dad who is an entirely different species and introducing him to you all will take an eternity and ofcourse it will help in improving my shoddy English and improve my hand writing as well and I dare not now .Since time immemorial I had the fortune to see them only as antagonists and never as a hus and wife even though their marriage was as usual an arranged one,then what would be their attitude if it was a love marriage ,I shudder to imagine .Are all these couples uniform in this aspect ,I repeatedly query myself .Then why is it that they chain themselves for decades together ,is it for the childrens sake?or for the sake of the society or is it that they cannot survive otherwise out of habit or dependence. My Jupiterian telescope can scan in to the depths of their minds and am ableTO VISUALISE A CERTAIN TYPE OF BONDING WHICH NOBODY ELSE COULD .
They are made for each other ,otherwise how could they be so totally different in their tastes, attitudes, their interests, and hobbies .Their only common quality that I could perceive was their super bloated EGOS and not yielding an iota to the other lest one should lose .Inspite of all these what brings a sad chuckle to me was their dirty habit of putting a common front to we children as if every thing was hay and healthy .But we would suffer their silence and that silence would thunder our house and our tender hearts with the force of a gale .I could blame my mother only for most of those pitched battles since she was so sensitive a fool that she cannot even enjoy a joke hurled at her ,then what about the criticisms that my dad specialized in .As for as he was concerned she was an insect and if it happened to be a bee how could he tolerate its bitter stings .Inshort both enjoyed the pain they could inflict on each other and loved licking the deep hurts before beginning the next bout .It was a way of life for both of them and we children suffered the worst because they loved and cared for us,infact they lived for us since we were their only common bonds .For them marriage seemed to be a business contract where the partners are supposed to give so much input, whatever may be their difference of opinion, for a generous output .The absurdity of the whole thing was that these two partners were excellent in their departments,one the home making the other at office work .The ultimate result was that the business prospered and the partners suffered like Leander and Mahesh Bhoopathy .I used to wonder why they don’t separate if they had to live like this .The only answer I can surmise is that they knew each other to the core of each single cell and each knew that the other was the best each could get in this funny world of ours but the saddest part was they could gel together only as water and oil as long as they couldnt vanguish their EGOS which they could never hope to be since then they would no longer be my my mother nor my dad both of whom I love and admire most .