I see him coming out of hall C .Infact I have been searching him for the last hour or two. You may even go to the the extent that it is for a glance of him that I have traveled all these 100 kms and taken leave for 3 days to attend this conference itself, putting in to jeopardy nearly 100 pairs of eyes at hand. Yes my eyes zoom to focus the short sturdy figure emerging out of the shadows and my face unknowingly drawn in to a genuine smile,. and the heart letting out a sigh of pure pleasure. How many years of this search I ask myself?
The man in questine is around my age, of a fairish brown complexion,short so to say may be 5.5 footish,as neatishly clad as he always used to be,the whitish French beard adding a tinge of ageing to his beautiful well chiseled face,every part in exact proportions and seated perfectly in place. As he comes out in his lazy elegant measured steps, the hall mark of the personality,soon our eyes meet, the surprise takes him aback for a millionth of a second,before his quick strides reach me and we hug through our glances.
We had scarcely met each other nor contacted over e-mails ,not even a hello over the cell for the last 31 years.We had been class mates for just 2 yrs during my postgraduate days at Calicut Medical School[1977-79].The fact was we were diametrically opposite to each other in everything from A to Z. He was a gentleman in the true sense of the word and me a little devil.He was soft spoken and a man of few but precise words where as I was hurrying open brat. He sipped and I gulped...He was meticulous,neat,hard working bastard and I detested him for his professorialness and his utter gentlemanliness. But yet we got along well, so to say even gelled together crudely.Though he was thoroughly disappointed with my dirty, fast and revolting attitude and wayward habits I could smell a tinge of love for me. .Infact he just endured me tenderly like an itching wound. Those 2 yrs I just floated in space and time ,but firmly chained to the reality through him..He used to spend most of his time in the library after hospital duty,taking notes in that beautiful handwriting of his.Though all attempts to reform me proved futile,he forced me to take my exams with his notes and just because of him I became an ophthalmologist by default..At that time I had no time to analyse our relationship,but one thing was sure , I felt totally at ease in his presence even without any communications and there were no strings attached,an unconditional sort of relationship.I was more of the demanding type bragging all illusory problems,he was a patient listener and supported me mentally.He was my anchor.
Our paths diverged and I slipped to govt side and he went the academic way and life took its toll on us both. Only twice we met later,first time at a banquet for an ophthalmic conference in Calicut, when I was totally in command of my inebriated brain and he took lot of pains to tuck me in to the train to cochin to attend my seemantham next day,which was a story in itself,and the second time I had taken my father for a cataract surgery under his care when he had already became head of the department.
Now in the twilight of my life, when I look back, I realize to my horror that I had plenty of company but never any real friend to boast off. Deep inside me I know I have a strange friend,a friend with no communications but still I care a lot about him.If this relationship can be termed, an ‘ unrecognized or malnourished’ friendship, Mathai Shanti can be labeled my one and only LOST FRIEND. Poor fellow he doesn’t know yet..
If that is so, why don't you pick up the phone and give him a buzz and tell him what you feel!
Sankara, at 8:53 PM
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